
The SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF) aims to encourage small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to expand their markets outside Hong Kong by providing financial assistance to SMEs for participation in export promotion activities.
Latest enhancements :
Effective from 30 April 2021 until 30 June 2026, the funding scope of EMF is expanded to cover large-scale exhibitions staged by organisers with good track record targeting the local market, as well as online exhibitions organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and reputable exhibition organisers with good track record; and the eligibility criteria is relaxed to cover non-SMEs.
EMF provides funding support to enterprises for their participation in the following promotion activities to promote their own products and/or services. Such promotion activities/platforms must be organised/operated by organisations with good track record:
Trade exhibitions held outside Hong Kong targeting markets outside Hong Kong.
Trade exhibitions held in Hong Kong targeting markets outside Hong Kong.
Trade exhibitions held in Hong Kong targeting the local market.
Online trade exhibitions.
Business missions outside Hong Kong.
Online business missions.
Advertisements on trade publications which mainly target markets outside Hong Kong.
Export promotion activities (such as placing advertisements, keyword search, listing product information, setting up or enhancing online shop, etc.) which are conducted through electronic platforms/media and which mainly target markets outside Hong Kong .
Setting up or enhancement of a corporate website/mobile application owned by the applicant enterprise for export promotion, which mainly targets markets outside Hong Kong.